
Coastal GA News

Thursday, October 17, 2024

McIntosh County - Precinct 1480 issued 226 absentee ballots in the general election

Vote 2

McIntosh County - Precinct 1480 issued 226 absentee ballots in the general election, according to the Georgia Secretary of State.

According to Election Administration and Voting Survey, out of 33.5 million mail ballots submitted in the 2016 general election, 400,000 of them were not counted for various reasons.

With a record number of 65 million mail ballots in the 2020 general election, some votes may not be counted due to missed deadlines and incorrect or missing signatures, according to Pew Research Center.

These are the names of McIntosh County - Precinct 1480 voters who requested an absentee ballot and the status of their ballot.

Absentee Ballot Voters
Voter IDNameYear of BirthAddressStatus of Ballot
541997Alice F. Ryals19491027 Leonard Ryals Road N.W., Townsend 31331-5217Accepted
542053Mable L. West19451250 Westville Road N.W., Riceboro 31323Accepted
3686655Rodney Paul Kehle195621599 U.S. Highway 17, Townsend 31331-3739Accepted
4409304David Paul Ryals19792228 Church of God Road N.W., Townsend 31331-6838Accepted
6901721Ronald Andrew Davis19463580 GA Highway 57, Townsend 31331-8211Accepted
543649Claudene J. O'Neal19502108 Youngs Island Road N.W., Townsend 31331-3940Accepted
11242730Jenna Riki Batten19941346 Church of God Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
3692350Sharon M. Armstrong19581079 Pintail Road N.W., Townsend 31331-5843Accepted
541866Eloise Bacon19527315 Jones Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-1539Accepted
6058159Loyd Steven Deverger19631036 Jones Road N.W., Townsend 31331-5001Accepted
3422363Shana Ann Tyson19727970 Jones Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-1310Canceled
541883Addie M. Button19517509 Jones Road N.W., Riceboro 31323Canceled
6052196Catherine Shuman19481195 George Pierce Road N.W., Riceboro 31323Accepted
541858Cora H. Alexander19364160 GA Highway 57, Townsend 31331-8218Accepted
541996Albert Thomas Ryals19441110 Earnest K Ryals Road N.W., Riceboro 31323Accepted
7513122Danny Joe Mobbs19531076 Church of God Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
7801935Frank Bacon II19531087 Tyson Bacon Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-1355Accepted
7930385Tammy Michelle Young19891014 Whiting Lane N.W., Townsend 31331-4042Accepted
542501Homer Donald Strickland19351307 Nathan Rowe Drive N.W., Townsend 31331-5449Accepted
6286649Kenneth J. Bryant19591258 Church of God Road N.W., Townsend 31331-6828Accepted
8388563Ashley Brooke Thomas19922118 Youngs Island Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
542083Lum Wendell Young19612012 Youngs Island Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
10741813Cole Martin Rowe19981159 Lesseur Drive N.W., Townsend 31331Canceled
4968846Michael Eric Grissino19814150 GA Highway 57, Townsend 31331Accepted
6674783Billy Paul Rowe19871159 Lesseur Drive N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
7071859Delores Riggs Ryals19563762 GA Highway 57, Townsend 31331-8214Accepted
5321030Chad Martin Davis19834156 GA Highway 57, Townsend 31331Accepted
6293935Billy Joe Rowe19621302 Church of God Road N.W., Townsend 31331-6829Accepted
4420821Ray Timothy Ryals19681761 Rowe and Turner Road N.W., Townsend 31331-4829Canceled
543954Kelly Colleen Deverger19681036 Jones Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
544401Bertha Shannon Ryals19701403 Harlis Ryals Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
4961016Tammy Rowe Rowe19716140 GA Highway 57, Townsend 31331Accepted
7533402Latisha Monique Bacon19867699 Jones Road N.W., Riceboro 31323Accepted
544545Isham O. Maulden Jr.19692335 Church of God Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
541910William A. Ginn19511143 Ginn Boulevard N.W., Townsend 31331-8511Accepted
542154Robert Lavon Butler19542224 Youngs Island Road N.W., Townsend 31331-3942Accepted
11157710Richard Paul Ramsey19532480 Jones Road N.W., Riceboro 31323Canceled
544745Cynthia Reneldera Lewis19721165 Westville Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-1903Accepted
10932914Aimee Colleen DeWitt Calhoun19951777 Old Townsend Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
542086Annie Pearl Young19373368 GA Highway 57, Townsend 31331Accepted
543918Mary Sue Young19583388 GA Highway 57, Townsend 31331-8209Accepted
541291Mildred Rozier19332183 Church of God Road N.W., Townsend 31331-6837Accepted
545613Jerome Martin195319565 U.S. Highway 17, Townsend 31331-3733Accepted
6474986Annette C. Walden19611085 Holton West Road N.W., Riceboro 31323Accepted
6981220Janard Montell West19871123 Holton West Road N.W., Riceboro 31323Accepted
6286654Barbara Lee Harriman19451272 Church of God Road N.W., Townsend 31331-6834Accepted
544601Tyrone Lorenzo West19701275 Ebony Road N.W., Riceboro 31323Accepted
541859Theodore R. Alexander Jr.19294160 GA Highway 57, Townsend 31331Canceled
7627118Michael Henry Hobby19541221 Hillview Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
541990Hazel R. Rozier19411364 Church of God Road N.W., Townsend 31331-6829Accepted
541980Jerry Michael Rowe19521437 State Barn Road N.W., Townsend 31331-4311Canceled
1117857Karen Elaine Butler19552224 Youngs Island Road N.W., Townsend 31331-3942Accepted
8791731Megan Marie Ryals19921380 Nathan Rowe Drive N.W., Townsend 31331Canceled
3518413Andy Cornelius Young Jr.19783388 GA Highway 57, Townsend 31331Accepted
4981682Jeffrey Michael Davis19821337 Harlis Ryals Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
7296972William Christophe Cauley19891971 Youngs Island Road N.W., Townsend 31331-3937Accepted
8717749Rebecca Victoria McIntosh19921564 Kelly Road N.E., Townsend 31331Accepted
541978Jacqueline Lynn Rowe19661302 Church of God Road N.W., Townsend 31331-6829Accepted
12029503Madison Gabrielle Ryals20011761 Rowe and Turner Road N.W., Townsend 31331Canceled
5795274Timothy Jon Kornegay19761033 Canvasback Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
7718093Danielle Lashaye West19907699 Jones Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-1305Accepted
6046631Daniel Lee Wallace19551076 Daniel Wallace Road N.W., Townsend 31331-7407Accepted
541909Sarah Janell Ginn19541143 Ginn Boulevard N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
7973156Debra H. Dean19552987 Jones Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-1717Accepted
8717779Bridget Faye McIntosh19601564 Kelly Road N.E., Townsend 31331-5125Accepted
7145330Jason Paul Kehle197421599 U.S. Highway 17, Townsend 31331Accepted
542005Iona P. Ryals19391212 Harlis Ryals Road N.W., Townsend 31331-8616Accepted
5530055Gregory J. James19627916 Jones Road N.W., Riceboro 31323Accepted
542023Jimmie L. Rouse19441297 Rouse Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-1351Canceled
544915Lue Birda MacK19601614 Lecounte Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-1440Accepted
10931708Joseph Epifanior Mendoza19491325 Cornel Howard Road N.W., Riceboro 31323Accepted
5794906Judy J. Cribbs19481095 Seaboard Avenue N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
541998Bobbie P. Ryals19401089 Leonard Ryals Road N.W., Townsend 31331-5217Accepted
5794904Julius Athrial Cribbs19431095 Seaboard Avenue N.W., Townsend 31331Canceled
543352Robert George DeWitt19501777 Old Townsend Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
11366259Terri Taylor Draffin199915681 U.S. Highway 17, Townsend 31331Accepted
8809111Jessica Kaneal Ryals19911197 Harlis Ryals Road N.W., Townsend 31331-8619Accepted
542499Cathryn Strickland19371307 Nathan Rowe Drive N.W., Townsend 31331-5449Accepted
11000175Kayla Marie Rowe19981159 Lesseur Drive N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
8717792Alexander Donald McIntosh19581564 Kelly Road N.E., Townsend 31331Accepted
7595958Mason Daniel Moore19891129 Leonard Ryals Road N.W., Townsend 31331-5219Canceled
4421220Barry Nelson Ryals19711916 Rowe and Turner Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
6298768Christopher Lee Wallace19781076 Daniel Wallace Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
541988Don Julius Rozier19651364 Church of God Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
7700802Margaret Laverne Kornegay19491033 Canvasback Road N.W., Townsend 31331Canceled
7533389Donald MacK Jr.19881060 George Pierce Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-1418Accepted
541876Deirdre L. West19647699 Jones Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-1305Accepted
5913052Corey Anthony Wallace19831076 Daniel Wallace Road N.W., Townsend 31331-7407Accepted
10406407Marya Ann Skorupski19971049 Daniel Wallace Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
541962Dee J. Proudfoot19471653 Knotty Pine Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-1737Accepted
541888John Craig Chambers19475438 Jones Road N.W., Riceboro 31323Canceled
5260014Henry Arthur Rulason19591137 Canvasback Road N.W., Townsend 31331-6620Accepted
5302551Yolanda Latoya Reed19791014 Youngs Island Road N.W., Townsend 31331Canceled
55359Lloyd D. Rowe19401231 County Road 100 N.W., Townsend 31331Canceled
543910Andy Cornelius Young19553388 GA Highway 57, Townsend 31331-8209Accepted
542031Barbara Ann Tyson19507970 Jones Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-1310Accepted
8809152David Onnie Rowe19911157 Canvasback Road N.W., Townsend 31331-6620Accepted
542049Henry L. West19411058 Holton West Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-6307Accepted
6455201Nicole Leigh McQuaig19741832 Church of God Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
7727475Dustin Benjamin Ryals19901197 Harlis Ryals Road N.W., Townsend 31331-8619Accepted
6742040Barrie J. Vaillencourt19532987 Jones Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-1717Accepted
3744026Connie Lee Thomas19721446 Church of God Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
3507239Jerry Edward Ryals19631089 Leonard Ryals Road N.W., Townsend 31331-5217Accepted
8717764Alexander Jonathan McIntosh19901564 Kelly Road N.E., Townsend 31331-5125Accepted
12010260Destiny Marie Jenkins19981084 Harlis Ryals Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
1135783Emily Zak Rowe19761437 State Barn Road N.W., Townsend 31331Canceled
6344674Fred Promer Rowe19561168 Rowe and Turner Road N.W., Townsend 31331-4822Accepted
5473094Tracy Montee Hatcher198415341 U.S. Highway 17, Townsend 31331Accepted
11841166Jonathan Sinclair Kornegay19973368 GA Highway 57, Townsend 31331Accepted
543012Dubbie Reeves Kehle195621599 U.S. Highway 17, Townsend 31331Accepted
3970194Travis Benjamin Townsend197915827 U.S. Highway 17, Townsend 31331Accepted
6468565Mary Elizabeth Thorpe194018651 U.S. Highway 17, Townsend 31331-3723Accepted
4267477Reta Joyce Alexander19584096 GA Highway 57, Townsend 31331-3629Accepted
5415121Phyllis Collins Bacon19551302 Rouse Road N.W., Riceboro 31323Accepted
6118816Carl Travis Bacon19551302 Rouse Road N.W., Riceboro 31323Accepted
545886Shelly Jean Rowe19551139 Mallard Road N.W., Townsend 31331-5303Accepted
5526902Carl Pierce19561060 George Pierce Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-1418Accepted
541872Lillie Faye Bacon19541087 Tyson Bacon Road N.W., Riceboro 31323Accepted
6286648Ernestine Rozier Bryant19521258 Church of God Road N.W., Townsend 31331-6828Accepted
6973905Jody Christopher Cauley19601971 Youngs Island Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
4700966Betty Ryals19571168 Rowe and Turner Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
7296921Angela D. Grissino19824150 GA Highway 57, Townsend 31331-8218Canceled
8249768Stephen Harlis Ryals19911206 Harlis Ryals Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
7296921Angela D. Grissino19824150 GA Highway 57, Townsend 31331-8218Accepted
8244901Michael Brandon Thomas19912118 Youngs Island Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
7541534Tracy Wanette Rowe19691159 Lesseur Drive N.W., Townsend 31331-5223Accepted
12272228Lum Wendell Young Jr.20012012 Youngs Island Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
10396717Joey Keith Mobbs Jr.19931093 County Road 100 N.W., Townsend 31331Canceled
6033448Michael James Lynn19861479 Rowe and Turner Road N.W., Townsend 31331-4827Canceled
5372529James Nathan Townsend19821976 Church of God Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
3904024Jerry Michael Rowe Jr.19771437 State Barn Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
545418Shirley Howard Riddle19534020 GA Highway 57, Townsend 31331-9503Accepted
7052275Gregory Lamont West19741187 Westville Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-1903Accepted
541702Sonja Marie Rozier19442815 Jones Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-1715Accepted
541934Maxine T. James19407916 Jones Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-6938Accepted
542036Zoe Audrey Tyson19447926 Jones Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-1310Accepted
542061Syntel West Sr.19451250 Westville Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-1904Accepted
6340577Marlon Leroy Gordon19651085 Holton West Road N.W., Riceboro 31323Accepted
541993Kent Solomon Rozier19601346 Church of God Road N.W., Townsend 31331-6829Accepted
1072413Susie Bacon19497315 Jones Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-1539Canceled
544928Gracie Ella Martin195419565 U.S. Highway 17, Townsend 31331-3733Accepted
7253235Kelly Jean Spaletta19591325 Cornel Howard Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-1753Accepted
541972Lagloria W. Rouse19471297 Rouse Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-6201Canceled
541648Jerry C. Mize19622815 Jones Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-1715Accepted
7302157Woodrow Wilson Davis Jr.19431139 Mallard Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
541894Brenda Diane Ryals Mobbs19501076 Church of God Road N.W., Townsend 31331-6825Accepted
3572777Michelle Dawn Youmans19753982 GA Highway 57, Townsend 31331-3631Accepted
8834496Richard Kevin Ryals Jr.19743762 GA Highway 57, Townsend 31331Accepted
4421299Harry Lawrence Thomas Jr.19721446 Church of God Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
541999Cheryl R. Moore19651129 Leonard Ryals Road N.W., Townsend 31331-5219Accepted
6293936Brandon Kyle Rowe19861302 Church of God Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
1042198Travis Joseph Kornegay19471033 Canvasback Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
11122061Victoria Blythe Bourne19891165 Old Townsend Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
11281451Penny Marie Wallace19991076 Daniel Wallace Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
542045Bruce Andra West19637699 Jones Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-1305Accepted
541870Jonathan Bacon19571129 Tyson Bacon Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-6105Canceled
541991Julius C. Rozier19341364 Church of God Road N.W., Townsend 31331-6829Accepted
542057Mary A. West19501123 Holton West Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-6322Accepted
1620008Patricia J. Hansen19323976 GA Highway 57, Townsend 31331Accepted
541992Kenneth Robert Rozier19492815 Jones Road N.W., Riceboro 31323Accepted
3518413Andy Cornelius Young Jr.19783388 GA Highway 57, Townsend 31331Canceled
4333830Margaret E. Rowe19441231 County Road 100 N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
10741791Barry Nathaniel Bowens19986140 Jones Road N.W., Riceboro 31323Canceled
542056Issac Washington19541194 Lecounte Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-1430Canceled
7550795Allen Dixon19587320 Jones Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-6944Canceled
542038Ronnie Alphonse Thorpe196218651 U.S. Highway 17, Townsend 31331Accepted
541989Glenn R. Rozier19451105 Oak Street N.W., Townsend 31331-6845Canceled
11092311Ebony Tyson19901094 George Pierce Road N.W., Riceboro 31323Accepted
541981Linda Lynette Rowe19531437 State Barn Road N.W., Townsend 31331-4311Canceled
3576640Gilbert Franklin Proudfoot Jr.19721848 Knotty Pine Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-1740Accepted
542524Michael G. Townsend19582012 Church of God Road N.W., Townsend 31331-6836Accepted
11002801Kellie Leigh McQuaig19981832 Church of God Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
544966Paul Martin Rowe19641159 Lesseur Drive N.W., Townsend 31331-5223Accepted
545382Amy R. Young19702012 Youngs Island Road N.W., Townsend 31331-3938Accepted
5725053Steven Jeffrey Young19841014 Whiting Lane N.W., Townsend 31331-4042Accepted
6224378Rachel Carol-Ann Rowe19851302 Church of God Road N.W., Townsend 31331-6829Accepted
7794338Jeffery Scott Rozier19681308 Church of God Road N.W., Townsend 31331Canceled
544394Terry B. Ryals19631403 Harlis Ryals Road N.W., Townsend 31331-8619Accepted
541982Linda Lois Rowe19506140 GA Highway 57, Townsend 31331Accepted
6987237Gary John Skorupski19751049 Daniel Wallace Road N.W., Townsend 31331-7408Accepted
10969779Tyler Alexander Wallace19981076 Daniel Wallace Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
545432David Glen Riddle19524020 GA Highway 57, Townsend 31331Accepted
5941098Phyllis Ann Wallace19591076 Daniel Wallace Road N.W., Townsend 31331-7407Accepted
541906Charles S. Ginn Jr.19451124 Ginn Boulevard N.W., Townsend 31331-8510Accepted
542055Mary Jean West19461275 Ebony Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-1911Accepted
1068936Estella Mae Hopkins19501320 Ebony Road N.W., Riceboro 31323Accepted
542051Jacob West19441275 Ebony Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-1911Accepted
544098Malachi Pinkney19621033 Hummingbird Lane N.W., Riceboro 31323-1409Accepted
1124551Kimberly A. Paul19581804 Knotty Pine Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-1740Accepted
544631Dian Bacon Dixon19577320 Jones Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-6944Accepted
544196Robert C. Bacon19577084 Jones Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-1532Canceled
541912Pearlie Mae Frazier19401079 Holton West Road N.W., Riceboro 31323-1915Accepted
1111258Roger Talbot Day19384083 Jones Road N.W., Riceboro 31323Canceled
8305030Gary Lyle Ryals19911380 Nathan Rowe Drive N.W., Townsend 31331Canceled
8809129Brooke Catherine Ryals19921206 Harlis Ryals Road N.W., Townsend 31331-8616Accepted
4968846Michael Eric Grissino19814150 GA Highway 57, Townsend 31331Canceled
6592880Darlene Gail Thomas19711084 Nathan Rowe Drive N.W., Townsend 31331-5445Accepted
8736196Krisi Shannon Gault19941403 Harlis Ryals Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
10641742Dylan Eugene Ryals19971107 Harlis Ryals Road N.W., Townsend 31331Canceled
542082Lisa Grace Cauley19651981 Youngs Island Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
7719261Amanda Marya Skorupski19751049 Daniel Wallace Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted
12237322Jennifer Marie Zwicker19781033 Canvasback Road N.W., Townsend 31331Accepted



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