
Coastal GA News

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Glynn County - Precinct 3733 issued 656 absentee ballots in the general election

Vote 14

Glynn County - Precinct 3733 issued 656 absentee ballots in the general election, according to the Georgia Secretary of State.

According to Election Administration and Voting Survey, out of 33.5 million mail ballots submitted in the 2016 general election, 400,000 of them were not counted for various reasons.

With a record number of 65 million mail ballots in the 2020 general election, some votes may not be counted due to missed deadlines and incorrect or missing signatures, according to Pew Research Center.

These are the names of Glynn County - Precinct 3733 voters who requested an absentee ballot and the status of their ballot.

Absentee Ballot Voters
Voter IDNameYear of BirthAddressStatus of Ballot
4960890Ivonne Angeles Gonzalez1949139 MacKay Drive, Brunswick 31525-4506Canceled
4960725Pedro Antonio Gonzalez1947139 MacKay Drive, Brunswick 31525Canceled
1123952Cecil Mitchell1942546 Shepard Drive, Brunswick 31525-8842Accepted
2551120Lee K. Jameson1939103 Pheasant Drive, Brunswick 31525-9223Accepted
1130488Carol Lewis Spriggs194225 Hidden Harbor Road, Brunswick 31525-4868Accepted
1121886Willie E. McCoy1945173 Willow Pond Way, Brunswick 31525-9203Accepted
5008305Doris Kimsey Dills192630 Dills Place, Brunswick 31525-5022Accepted
11213191Bernadette Marie Harris1950126 Sutherland Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
10597775Laurence P. Fitzsimmons Jr.1938301 N. Deerfield Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1111904Jimmy E. Franklin1934114 Joyce Drive, Brunswick 31525-9491Accepted
8617130Alicia Miller Hughes1956127 Thornhill Drive, Brunswick 31525-9437Accepted
5177193Joyce Bernadine Cherry1943166 Joann Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
6379543Willard Brookins Jr.1948343 Knox Drive, Brunswick 31525-8808Accepted
1126019Frederick J. Patch1946219 N. Deerfield Drive, Brunswick 31525-9444Accepted
11449579Scottie Lewis Crawford1986200 Glass Circle, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1113262Lynn Heth1953100 Marsh Trace, Brunswick 31525Accepted
6104969Jessica Shell Aldridge1986220 Willow Pond Way, Brunswick 31525Accepted
10135956Tony Michael Scarborough1973590 Canal Road, Brunswick 31525Canceled
1666177Melissa Ann Kennedy19756304 Gracemont Lane, Brunswick 31525Accepted
8490268Tanner Edmondson Gill1989285 Yacht Road, Brunswick 31525Accepted
10728845Robert P. Cino1952221 Smith Road, Brunswick 31525Canceled
10523539Lita Irma Beyer1944569 Kell Road, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1133485Thomas Carl Tasciotti1953646 Mitscher Drive, Brunswick 31525-8811Accepted
2245477Calvin E. Weeks1957542 Shepard Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1118853Luola L. Haupt1943227 Armstrong Avenue, Brunswick 31525-8866Accepted
1130979Donna A. Shupe1958104 Marsh Oak Lane, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1128217Robert Wildon Newham1960772 Canal Road, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1115089Patrice Jackson1970695 Towers Avenue, Brunswick 31525-8823Canceled
1125706Sheila C. Price1951670 Mitscher Drive, Brunswick 31525-8856Accepted
7847022Brooke Elizabeth Young1990201 Ethridge Drive, Brunswick 31525Canceled
5067339Jerry Lee Banks1954114 Winton Drive, Brunswick 31525Canceled
7693288Petula Consuala Moore1967538 Shepard Drive, Brunswick 31525-8842Accepted
625236Pamela Denise Moore19686105 Gracemont Lane, Brunswick 31525Accepted
7174954Aubrey Everton Desmond Moore1964538 Shepard Drive, Brunswick 31525-8842Accepted
12249819Justin Douglas Smith20007206 Gracemont Lane, Brunswick 31525Canceled
1127947Mary McGraw Moyers1941610 Canal Road, Brunswick 31525-6704Accepted
11875089Jamie A. Anschutz1978109 Tupelo Circle, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1107454Melissa Watkins Bagby1950132 Sherwood Forest Circle, Brunswick 31525-9225Accepted
8354221Antonio Jerome Thorpe1992115 Sutherland Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1117634William G. Harrison1948102 Marsh Oak Lane, Brunswick 31525Accepted
3904197John H. Williams1934225 Armstrong Avenue, Brunswick 31525-8866Accepted
11521988Donna Montgomery Bernard1949241 Willow Pond Way, Brunswick 31525Accepted
3620708Wayne Bruce Jordan1963360 Knox Drive, Brunswick 31525Canceled
10836878Jackson Lee Beard1998136 Willow Pond Way, Brunswick 31525Canceled
11830718Gregory Nouse1965215 Old Belle Point Road, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1112142Brenda Foreman1951765 Chapel Crossing Road, Brunswick 31525-0508Accepted
8599536Albert Howard Lattany1954201 N. Deerfield Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1129941Stephen L. Pittman Jr.1934204 Peek Road, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1133349Cheryl J. Tasciotti1953646 Mitscher Drive, Brunswick 31525-8811Accepted
1134474Willene Smith1941324 Glass Circle, Brunswick 31525-6904Canceled
286267Drucy Irene Bruce1952156 Sherwood Forest Circle, Brunswick 31525Canceled
1107509Suellen Poole Berry19454385 U.S. Highway 17 N., Brunswick 31525-4827Canceled
1114729Brenda J. Freeman1945142 Deerfield Drive, Brunswick 31525-9296Accepted
4780706Marjorie Lee Lones194767 Marys Drive, Brunswick 31525Canceled
12007451Brenda J. Miers1952320 Glass Circle, Brunswick 31525Canceled
7414225Lisa Cushing Kent1955109 Cay Trace, Brunswick 31525-4530Canceled
3882668Valerie McPhatter1968103 Ethridge Drive, Brunswick 31525-8831Accepted
10061669Brian William Walsh19954202 Enclave Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
5038432Marjorie Hamilton Sozanski1980100 Helmich Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
12005687Lilli Alyse Kennedy20006304 Gracemont Lane, Brunswick 31525Canceled
6608125Dezrica Shanae Murry1987540 Shepard Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1117415Emily Griggs Coiner1967106 MacKay Circle, Brunswick 31525-4523Accepted
8717043Sydneye Anne Youngner1993118 Winton Drive, Brunswick 31525-8400Accepted
10363934Laseanda Monique Grant1996244 Armstrong Avenue, Brunswick 31525Canceled
7507334Sarah Gail Schaefer1983211 Stillwater Drive, Brunswick 31525Canceled
1136003David Gerald Young1963201 Ethridge Drive, Brunswick 31525Canceled
1125930Samer K. Buchholz196773 Thornhill Drive, Brunswick 31525-9002Canceled
1105393Mary Ellen Brown1960280 N. Goodbread Road, Brunswick 31525-6612Accepted
1124247Willene Lott1938103 Cartwright Circle, Brunswick 31525-9222Accepted
10838585John Franklin Thompson III1954106 MacKqueen Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1107892Daniel Keith Brockman1947110 Armstrong Avenue, Brunswick 31525-8863Accepted
1128351Olivia B. Rollins1935138 Armstrong Avenue, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1117837Lawrence Andrew Guyer1951154 MacKay Drive, Brunswick 31525Canceled
5888567George Kenneth Hurst1945121 Tupelo Circle, Brunswick 31525-4615Canceled
1117722Catherine Ann Raczynski1944102 Nightingale Lane, Brunswick 31525Accepted
5662875Daniel E. Wilson1953625 Halsey Street, Brunswick 31525-8804Accepted
1129644Joseph G. Parker1936304 Bushoan Road, Brunswick 31525-9447Accepted
1110485Velma Denise Bankston1954102 Helmich Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
10253486Richard Glen Pechin1962146 Joann Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
6083656Ashley Lynn Bluestein198597 Marsh Oak Drive, Brunswick 31525-4510Accepted
1121251Merry L. Miller1952355 Knox Drive, Brunswick 31525-8853Accepted
1127969Margaret A. Patch1943219 N. Deerfield Drive, Brunswick 31525-9444Accepted
1112893Homer S. Fountain1925117 Thornhill Drive, Brunswick 31525-9437Accepted
3583643Robert Alotta1945118 Marsh Trace, Brunswick 31525-4522Canceled
4260884Eileen Michelle Beard1964136 Willow Pond Way, Brunswick 31525-9202Accepted
2241023Thomas J. Knapstein194387 Marsh Trace, Brunswick 31525-4516Canceled
6788885Russell Albert Tuten19754704 U.S. Highway 17 N., Brunswick 31525-5001Accepted
6572041George Kenneth MacKey19587306 Gracemont Lane, Brunswick 31525Accepted
6210513Christine L. Thomas1951128 Armstrong Avenue, Brunswick 31525-8863Accepted
1075818Penny Hendry Lumpkin1973105 Marsh Oak Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1122192Judy M. Lemmond1946133 MacKay Drive, Brunswick 31525-4506Accepted
674710Sherre Stephens V1955147 Deborah Lane, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1111351Martha Croft Davis19344800 U.S. Highway 17 N., Brunswick 31525-4608Accepted
1109656Linda N. Buchan1947118 Gatch Lane, Brunswick 31525Canceled
1109800Rose E. Browning1952224 Armstrong Avenue, Brunswick 31525-8865Accepted
1116121Vernard Hall1926350 Knox Drive, Brunswick 31525-8807Canceled
10161201Norma Anne Estrada1993334 Glass Circle, Brunswick 31525Accepted
8645540Judith Gifford Pierce1943104 Turton Trace, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1126547Linda L. Odum1949223 N. Deerfield Drive, Brunswick 31525-9444Accepted
1122820Sandra Jean Medders1943106 Tupelo Circle, Brunswick 31525Accepted
2953940Sandra Fitzgerald Moss195398 Marsh Trace, Brunswick 31525-4519Accepted
1125498Patrick Oshea1958108 Sutherland Drive, Brunswick 31525-4529Accepted
11513520Olusegun Adedapo Togun1981203 Armstrong Avenue, Brunswick 31525Accepted
10711772Marcus Anderson198317 Tupelo Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
7609784Kimberly Janelle Spores19874976 U.S. Highway 17 N., Brunswick 31525-4616Accepted
7101911Linda Joyce Seawell1950205 Goodtown Drive, Brunswick 31525Canceled
3575994Gertie Elaine Miller1949102 Honeybee Lane, Brunswick 31525-9275Canceled
275961Barbara T. Thompson1946141 Thornhill Drive, Brunswick 31525-9449Canceled
8313580Emanuel Ozell1948202 Bennett Road, Brunswick 31525-4656Accepted
8158114Eunice Cubero1979565 Kell Road, Brunswick 31525Accepted
11438668Sherrylee Wentz Nouse1963215 Old Belle Point Road, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1106616Luther R. Brock1945302 Ethridge Drive, Brunswick 31525-8835Accepted
1112788Sharon H. Folsom1944219 Armstrong Avenue, Brunswick 31525-8866Accepted
1122982Ronda L. Harper1950124 Marsh Trace, Brunswick 31525-4522Accepted
7140597Randall Gardner Jr.19465188 U.S. Highway 17 N., Brunswick 31525-4623Accepted
1122316Marilyn Kicklighter1941108 Tupelo Circle, Brunswick 31525-4560Accepted
1131887Dorothy Helen Thaxton1932114 Armstrong Avenue, Brunswick 31525-8863Accepted
10402149Judy Jean Polman1947629 Halsey Street, Brunswick 31525Accepted
6558286Janet Lynne Russ1952151 MacKay Drive, Brunswick 31525-4506Accepted
1110906John I. Cody1953144 MacKay Drive, Brunswick 31525-4503Accepted
7455194Marsha Gail Mitchell1950546 Shepard Drive, Brunswick 31525-8842Accepted
8066221Judith Anne Longfield194794 Marsh Court, Brunswick 31525-4534Canceled
11195267Jason Blanton1967221 Stillwater Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
8402581Lee E. Newmans1957149 Deborah Lane, Brunswick 31525-9490Accepted
1123185Rosemary B. Mehl1944667 Mitscher Drive, Brunswick 31525-8857Accepted
7955678Nicole Luella Birchfield1977163 Goodtown Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
7312164Gerald Wade Ledford1942106 Osprey Lane, Brunswick 31525Accepted
11921384Ziaya Monae Gasque2000142 Sherwood Forest Circle, Brunswick 31525Accepted
10500496Cynthia Lynn Blanton1966221 Stillwater Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1111852Margaret A. Force1951103 Cooper Circle, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1135981Frankie Watson Yawn1928106 Joyce Drive, Brunswick 31525-9491Accepted
8187118William Haynes Gilmer1992103 Thornhill Drive, Brunswick 31525-9437Accepted
7638065Ntungwa Maasha1941314 Ethridge Drive, Brunswick 31525-8835Canceled
8358544Ethel Nagi Argiriou1992203 Sutherland Drive, Brunswick 31525-8910Accepted
1112661Maria Antoinette Dennis1962139 Armstrong Avenue, Brunswick 31525-8864Accepted
5173287Calvin Bradley1960205 Bennett Road, Brunswick 31525-4655Accepted
1129897Lucy P. Pittman1933204 Peek Road, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1128654Jerrell E. Ramsey1945132 Sherwood Forest Circle, Brunswick 31525-9225Accepted
1111176Diane Elizabeth Evans1950116 Marsh Oak Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1107355Susie S. Cooley1951320 N. Deerfield Drive, Brunswick 31525-9443Accepted
1111872Ethel M. Daniels1945624 Price Street, Brunswick 31525-8847Accepted
3965889Nancy Diane Lee1942454 MacKay Street, Brunswick 31525-5009Accepted
3857157Richard Francis Gallo1935545 Shepard Drive, Brunswick 31525-8815Canceled
11353526Sarah Jane Engen1969121 Marsh Oak Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1628316Donna Cravey1968203 N. End Court, Brunswick 31525-4607Accepted
524979Alvenia Smith Banks1952114 Winton Drive, Brunswick 31525Canceled
1121651Richard C. Kidwell1946160 Willow Pond Way, Brunswick 31525Canceled
10439128Richard Francis Buckley1943108 Deerfield Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
4068260Helen Annette Bruce1955140 Joann Drive, Brunswick 31525-4911Accepted
1120126Georgia Early Marion1954142 Sherwood Forest Circle, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1125184Sharon Kay MacKey19567306 Gracemont Lane, Brunswick 31525Accepted
10841827Cara Ruth Kelsch1998102 Turton Trace, Brunswick 31525Accepted
4520255Mary J. Martin1954312 Lochland Place, Brunswick 31525-4544Accepted
1122590Estelle M. Miller1934310 Ethridge Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1126055Alice Alexander Moye1948105 Turton Trace, Brunswick 31525Accepted
10839876Kenneth Paul Rhoades1950257 Goodtown Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
4703251Leslie Brooke Sellers1979238 N. Goodbread Road, Brunswick 31525Accepted
4019735Michael Adrian Thomas1978117 Helmich Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1107612Janet Lee Bragg19511550 Glynco Parkway, Brunswick 31525Canceled
1107497Linda G. Anders1940444 MacKay Street, Brunswick 31525-5009Accepted
7806612Jaynie Lee Gaskin1989119 Marsh Trace, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1134943Bernadette L. Weiss194995 Thornhill Drive, Brunswick 31525-8379Accepted
1108620Mary G. Brooks1957635 Chapel Crossing Road, Brunswick 31525-0527Canceled
5843317Cynthia Ann Toler-Schell196778 Thornhill Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
8427990Michael Loinel Criss1968130 Deerfield Drive, Brunswick 31525-9296Canceled
8220499Aleta Lynn Walker196211 Hidden Harbor Road, Brunswick 31525Canceled
11438667Mitchell Wentz Nouse1996215 Old Belle Point Road, Brunswick 31525Accepted
2245634Michele Anne Allen1954234 N. Goodbread Road, Brunswick 31525-6632Accepted
2245707David Michael Allen1951234 N. Goodbread Road, Brunswick 31525-6632Accepted
1116112Thomas L. Goodrich195489 Marsh Oak Drive, Brunswick 31525Canceled
11022077Augusta Nogar Kammer195597 MacKay Circle, Brunswick 31525Accepted
4165010Mary Webster Holland19524810 U.S. Highway 17 N., Brunswick 31525-4608Accepted
1123674George Louis Lowry Jr.1946550 Shepard Drive, Brunswick 31525-8842Accepted
3439581Elizabeth Jean Foisy1969211 N. End Court, Brunswick 31525Accepted
8371425Hershell Oneal Thomas III1954338 Knox Drive, Brunswick 31525Canceled
3714407Emma Elkin Howard1959576 Kell Road, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1742152Alfreda Mae Littles19567101 Gracemont Lane, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1118602Alfred Douglas Grant Jr.1967153 Needwood Road, Brunswick 31525Accepted
12132633Richard Caleb Henry199782 Marsh Trace, Brunswick 31525Canceled
7458645Jennifer Irene Williams1989313 Grants Creek Road, Brunswick 31525Accepted
5382699Barbara Anne Brock1947302 Ethridge Drive, Brunswick 31525-8835Accepted
8900339Gary Roy Corey1943815 Chapel Crossing Road, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1126237Mary M. Oshea1938153 Tupelo Circle, Brunswick 31525-4614Canceled
1115978Connie Will Habersham1954115 Helmich Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
10485773Susan G. Van Brunt1951128 Sutherland Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1105300Laura Bea Short1938153 Needwood Road, Brunswick 31525-4632Accepted
1106997Carol Elaine Brewer1944132 Helmich Drive, Brunswick 31525-5008Accepted
2732142Joseph Neal Timms Jr.1956627 Halsey Street, Brunswick 31525Accepted
3601095Wanda Sumner Pinckard1949162 Blueberry Road, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1122082Lawanna Kinchen Little1929203 Willow Pond Way, Brunswick 31525Canceled
7449433Joseph Julian Gray III193694 Marsh Court, Brunswick 31525-4534Accepted
1122847Richard Byron Lockhart1950574 Kell Road, Brunswick 31525-8805Accepted
1134008Spencer Tait Jr.1928142 Osprey Place, Brunswick 31525-4610Accepted
6715129Edith S. Jackmon-Hunter1941270 Smith Road, Brunswick 31525-4908Accepted
2043590Patrick O. Meadows1932113 Winton Drive, Brunswick 31525-8453Accepted
1122032Cecil Samuel Little1928203 Willow Pond Way, Brunswick 31525-9205Accepted
7613204Edward Avila1965114 Sutherland Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
7446096James Edward Bush19474559 U.S. Highway 17 N., Brunswick 31525Accepted
11115183Jerry Lee Kirkland1958238 Armstrong Avenue, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1126700Preston H. Newton1955104 Cadogan Street, Brunswick 31525-4546Accepted
1116594Thomas M. Jimerson1945124 Joyce Drive, Brunswick 31525-9491Accepted
1312419Kevin Lamar Thomas1972153 Horseshoe Lane, Brunswick 31525Accepted
7682975Angel Nicole Willson1986102 Ethridge Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1108139Robbi Rae Atkins1954147 Tupelo Circle, Brunswick 31525Accepted
6481200Julia Christine Renninger1942136 Tupelo Circle, Brunswick 31525Accepted
6414774Matthew Burge Drum1984102 Marsh Oak Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
11622665Gary Collis Decker1953107 MacKay Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
2812372Patricia Anne Ventola1958102 MacKay Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
8128216Carolyn Joan Smith1949206 Stillwater Drive, Brunswick 31525-4550Accepted
4067580Jeannie Marie Enzian1957201 Glass Circle, Brunswick 31525Accepted
10381549Mary Etta Beasley1952101 Ethridge Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
7013355Tammy Lynn Ledford1964106 Osprey Lane, Brunswick 31525Accepted
7002147Shellie Shelton Carver197220 Tuya Lane, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1136000Debra Nugent Wiles1952109 Marsh Trace, Brunswick 31525-4521Accepted
1120177Peggie N. Leggett1937116 Tupelo Circle, Brunswick 31525-4560Accepted
2917412Judson S. McCranie1954105 MacKqueen Drive, Brunswick 31525-4540Accepted
7312164Gerald Wade Ledford1942106 Osprey Lane, Brunswick 31525Canceled
11512833David Wayne Rosevelt1969103 MacKay Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1124882Jeanette Watson McAlum1935110 Joyce Drive, Brunswick 31525-9491Canceled
1134444Paul H. Susenbach1946559 Kell Road, Brunswick 31525-8806Canceled
1109426Geneva C. Susenbach1961559 Kell Road, Brunswick 31525-8806Canceled
1128127Richard Donald Peters1933100 Cay Trace, Brunswick 31525-4530Accepted
5173285Patrice Bradley1962205 Bennett Road, Brunswick 31525-4655Accepted
10364644Kevin Matthew Padgett1987370 Knox Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
6848452Roger W. Gatch1961135 Gatch Lane, Brunswick 31525-6741Accepted
6328239Glen Willard Herreman Jr.1949195 Willow Pond Way, Brunswick 31525-9203Accepted
11471606Anouska Desiree Maiosnet-Cruz1990107 Bridon Lane, Brunswick 31525Accepted
4132614Patrick John Guilfoil1949107 Winton Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
12184093Paul Anthony Gouty Jr.194586 Marsh Trace, Brunswick 31525Canceled
1111045David William Gill1951285 Yacht Road, Brunswick 31525-4805Accepted
1132808Ernie J. Ward1953760 Canal Road, Brunswick 31525-6707Accepted
11893595Thomas Earl Rockwell1957119 Thornhill Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1111710Barbara W. Franklin1941114 Joyce Drive, Brunswick 31525-9491Accepted
11057821Mary Ellen Christian1935255 Yacht Road, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1122019Betty K. Kennedy1931115 Rivers Bend Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1117417Beverly Bennett Grinstead1954112 Sherwood Forest Circle, Brunswick 31525Accepted
12319547Emily Christine Mardis1959139 Thornhill Drive, Brunswick 31525Canceled
542443William Joseph Repko Jr.1956135 Tupelo Circle, Brunswick 31525-4614Accepted
525345Ureta Miller1931102 Gatch Lane, Brunswick 31525-6740Accepted
1113257Charles F. Earp1940106 Turton Trace, Brunswick 31525Accepted
3332082Betty Jo Usher1935100 MacKay Drive, Brunswick 31525-4502Canceled
4134331Minter Holmes Norton1960119 Marsh Trace, Brunswick 31525Accepted
4888958Sharee Nicole Copeland1982186 Willow Pond Way, Brunswick 31525Accepted
5803648Jeanette Alice Ora1929222 N. Deerfield Drive, Brunswick 31525-9439Accepted
10478734Samira A. Beckham19818305 Kadster Lane, Brunswick 31525Accepted
6181873Vickie Morris Newkirk1955162 Old Belle Point Road, Brunswick 31525-4807Accepted
11359666Maureen Marcia Cook1944210 Stillwater Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
11875092Santiago Gabriel Anschutz1975109 Tupelo Circle, Brunswick 31525Accepted
4236795Ben Frank Moore Jr.1952207 Sutherland Drive, Brunswick 31525Canceled
1123460Rosemary Frazier Maulden1946302 Bushoan Road, Brunswick 31525-9447Accepted
11295755Stephanie Anne Stowell1979212 N. Deerfield Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
4346049Constance A. Fry1944117 Sutherland Drive, Brunswick 31525-4533Accepted
2151789Janet L. Yoder1945106 Armstrong Avenue, Brunswick 31525-8863Accepted
1117400Cheryl S. Johns1948364 Knox Drive, Brunswick 31525-8837Accepted
7614205Jennifer H. Bell1951634 Halsey Street, Brunswick 31525-8803Accepted
1130564Andrew A. Smotzer1953110 Cayman Court, Brunswick 31525-4542Canceled
6188023Jodi Lynn Dunn Phillips196696 Marsh Trace, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1112137Helen M. Emmerton1932369 Knox Drive, Brunswick 31525-8840Accepted
11022088Terry Lee Kammer194597 MacKay Circle, Brunswick 31525Accepted
4109253Jason W. Leslie197397 Marsh Trace, Brunswick 31525Canceled
4587088Snowie Illean Herrera1950301 Bushoan Road, Brunswick 31525-9448Accepted
2116594Doris B. Sziegoleit196479 Marsh Trace, Brunswick 31525Accepted
326628Deserae Murry1965540 Shepard Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1112199Herman Dwight Cook1938156 MacKay Drive, Brunswick 31525-4503Accepted
7440520Pamela Marie Hill Thomas1959338 Knox Drive, Brunswick 31525-8807Canceled
1106129Raymond Paul Burnett1949577 Kell Road, Brunswick 31525-8806Canceled
1117037Anderson N. Hill Jr.1946221 Rosewood Drive, Brunswick 31525-6732Accepted
1124305Linda N. Martin1949147 MacKay Drive, Brunswick 31525-4506Canceled
1117621Janice Daugherty Guyer1952154 MacKay Drive, Brunswick 31525Canceled
11219031Rachel Ellen Latham1953197 Deerfield Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
525825Stacia Joan Hendricks1957230 Osprey Place, Brunswick 31525-4611Accepted
12005342Wesley Tamson1981113 Sutherland Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1128364David R. Moseley1951308 N. Deerfield Drive, Brunswick 31525-9442Accepted
3859924Jim Allen Miers1947320 Glass Circle, Brunswick 31525-6904Canceled
4266471Geraldine Earp1944106 Turton Trace, Brunswick 31525-9278Canceled
1112743Nancy Boggs Cody1950144 MacKay Drive, Brunswick 31525-4503Accepted
286268James Donald Bruce1948156 Sherwood Forest Circle, Brunswick 31525Canceled
1118467Robert Aaron Hammer19454344 U.S. Highway 17 N., Brunswick 31525-4824Accepted
1134057Bonnie Tait1932142 Osprey Place, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1127920Charles W. Pickren1935346 Knox Drive, Brunswick 31525-8807Accepted
1118132Linda G. Hill1951221 Rosewood Drive, Brunswick 31525-6732Accepted
6392635Barbara A. Habersham1955115 Helmich Drive, Brunswick 31525-5010Accepted
1128560Linda B. Rooney1948124 Helmich Drive, Brunswick 31525-5008Canceled
6572941Mabell Loraine Stoklosa1966221 Willow Pond Way, Brunswick 31525-9205Accepted
1110986Carlton W. Fitzpatrick1947145 Sherwood Forest Circle, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1123329Crawford Samuel Mitchell1947129 Blueberry Road, Brunswick 31525Canceled
4770857Saundra Bobbette Harmon1962109 Harmon Lane, Brunswick 31525-5013Accepted
8449926Sarah A. Casiano-Diffoot199191 MacKay Drive, Brunswick 31525Canceled
5292150Mary D. Linda Mitchell1949129 Blueberry Road, Brunswick 31525Canceled
1107612Janet Lee Bragg19511550 Glynco Parkway, Brunswick 31525Accepted
7098305Laura Jeanette Cookson1944111 Palm Grove Island Drive, Brunswick 31525-4549Accepted
6503445Sarah Lindley Helder198560 Fiddlers Trail, Brunswick 31525Accepted
6915001Patrina Devonne Wright196979 Marsh Oak Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
11822394Charlotte Kay McCurdy1963105 Marsh Oak Lane, Brunswick 31525Canceled
11321371Tiffany Marie Landry1983104 Tupelo Circle, Brunswick 31525Accepted
12289812Rebecca Du Bignon Bohlender2001211 N. End Court, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1359482John Henry Stanford Sr.1944347 Knox Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
3434783Leo L. Geer1971128 N. End Drive, Brunswick 31525-4600Accepted
6318116Miranda Elise Tarte1986110 Deerfield Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
12298855Tara Leigh Carter2001105 Cadogan Street, Brunswick 31525Accepted
7300837Fredrick Albert Carpenter1944152 Sherwood Forest Circle, Brunswick 31525-9225Canceled
1115717Harley Edward Green1953642 Mitscher Drive, Brunswick 31525-8811Accepted
1114908Thomas Clifton Dean1946115 Thornhill Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
4343520Rex D. Stutchman Jr.1953215 Stillwater Drive, Brunswick 31525-4555Canceled
8213668Calvin B. Bradley III1992205 Bennett Road, Brunswick 31525-4655Accepted
4255193Janice Elaine Taylor1955341 Knox Drive, Brunswick 31525-8808Accepted
10723876Brenda Gayle Anderson198117 Tupelo Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
8942480Samantha Lynn Connelly1989200 Glass Circle, Brunswick 31525Accepted
11693714Jewell Erlene Allen1950130 Helmich Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
3792394Brendan Clark Engen1970121 Marsh Oak Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
7188563Jacqueline Jane Weder196493 Sutherland Drive, Brunswick 31525-4557Accepted
7300839Sandra Darlene Carpenter1951152 Sherwood Forest Circle, Brunswick 31525-9225Canceled
1106969Beth M. Carroll195360 Rude Dog Road, Brunswick 31525-4616Canceled
1127703Jerry Moye1944105 Turton Trace, Brunswick 31525Accepted
6073351Roberta Clarke Alotta1949118 Marsh Trace, Brunswick 31525-4522Canceled
4527265Mary A. Bolinger1953126 MacKay Drive, Brunswick 31525-4502Canceled
1133105Patricia T. Strickland1947102 MacKay Circle, Brunswick 31525-4523Accepted
1124276James Robert Mohr194378 Marsh Trace, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1114484Larry L. Daniels1947624 Price Street, Brunswick 31525-8847Accepted
1120251Sara Ann Meeks1938560 Kell Road, Brunswick 31525-8805Accepted
11576798Dawn Loree Rosevelt1972103 MacKay Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1108121Rex Cate V1959204 Yacht Road, Brunswick 31525Canceled
11353563Judith Linda Case1940218 Stillwater Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1126812Reginald D. Oakes1946114 Deerfield Drive, Brunswick 31525-9296Canceled
5082419Wiltz Joseph Bernard1937241 Willow Pond Way, Brunswick 31525Canceled
11321374Raymond Edward Landry Jr.1962104 Tupelo Circle, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1125281Gary C. Odum1947223 N. Deerfield Drive, Brunswick 31525-9444Accepted
7555555Delores Marie Smith1944103 N. End Drive, Brunswick 31525-4602Accepted
1118700Robert Alfred Haase195492 Marsh Trace, Brunswick 31525-4519Accepted
49685Marjorie Jewel Rogers19431550 Glynco Parkway, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1116547Maggie J. Jimerson1950124 Joyce Drive, Brunswick 31525-9491Accepted
11363201Jay Charles Nichols Jr.1998141 Bridon Lane, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1110097Gary C. Gay1960119 Helmich Drive, Brunswick 31525-5010Accepted
546414John Hugh Seibert19531550 Glynco Parkway, Brunswick 31525Accepted
8569976Johnny Cooley1943320 N. Deerfield Drive, Brunswick 31525-9443Accepted
11057355Russell Maulden1976302 Bushoan Road, Brunswick 31525Accepted
7757029Charity Denise Tyson1986228 Armstrong Avenue, Brunswick 31525Canceled
2624197Patricia Joan Ellis1945209 Willow Pond Way, Brunswick 31525-9205Canceled
3904182Vivian Ivey Williams1940225 Armstrong Avenue, Brunswick 31525-8866Accepted
7967549Randall William Wester1946127 Marsh Trace, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1109375Delia Head19425232 U.S. Highway 17 N., Brunswick 31525-4625Canceled
1107257Tony Beaver1951741 Chapel Crossing Road, Brunswick 31525-0508Canceled
4587077Charles William Herrera1950301 Bushoan Road, Brunswick 31525-9448Accepted
1107897David H. Brunjes195198 Marsh Oak Drive, Brunswick 31525-4509Accepted
5978622Ellen E. Post1953104 Norbury Street, Brunswick 31525-4538Accepted
1126095Judy Folk Schlabig1939357 Knox Drive, Brunswick 31525-8840Accepted
12292986Doris Stewart Bowman194276 Thornhill Drive, Brunswick 31525Canceled
1112315Monroe Wilbert Corbitt1957628 Halsey Street, Brunswick 31525-8803Accepted
105072Rosemary Miles Payne1948105 Marsh Trace, Brunswick 31525-4521Accepted
5431766Gary P. Harper1952124 Marsh Trace, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1116701Mary Goebel Joiner1942110 Cay Trace, Brunswick 31525-4530Canceled
1108427Julius L. Caine195594 Marsh Trace, Brunswick 31525-4519Accepted
1122683Emily H. Measley1947105 MacKay Circle, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1110896Deborah E. Leigh Francis1952570 Kell Road, Brunswick 31525-8805Accepted
2043535Betty D. Meadows1933113 Winton Drive, Brunswick 31525-8453Accepted
1114510Fitzpatrick T.M.1949145 Sherwood Forest Circle, Brunswick 31525-9226Accepted
10703874Ashleigh Kate Curtis198512 Tupelo Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
8891608Keyon Danthony Freeman1992133 Armstrong Avenue, Brunswick 31525Accepted
12007928Leticia Rose Walker19853203 Enclave Drive, Brunswick 31525Canceled
8300869Donald Ray Moses Jr.1970100 Denty Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
11038647Norman Reid Williams Jr.1987308 Bushoan Road, Brunswick 31525Accepted
11067426Bertha H. Jean Kirkland1957238 Armstrong Avenue, Brunswick 31525Accepted
2244083Laquanna Zaneta James1973148 Armstrong Avenue, Brunswick 31525-8863Accepted
1123054Annie Louise King1934665 Mitscher Drive, Brunswick 31525-8857Accepted
1136055Patricia G. Youngner1964118 Winton Drive, Brunswick 31525-8400Accepted
10387602Courtnee Evan Cobb1996124 Deerfield Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
8704502Lauren Elizabeth Crook199275 Marsh Trace, Brunswick 31525-4516Rejected
8905177Linda Karen Ragsdale1951107 Helmich Drive, Brunswick 31525-5010Accepted
1128487Harry L. Padgett1951370 Knox Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1126237Mary M. Oshea1938153 Tupelo Circle, Brunswick 31525-4614Canceled
11052933Susan Roy Morrison1953685 Chapel Crossing Road, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1109537Betty Caine195494 Marsh Trace, Brunswick 31525-4519Accepted
1117262Vickie F. Goodrich195689 Marsh Oak Drive, Brunswick 31525Canceled
1134778Alyne Wyman Tillman1944111 Thornhill Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1130713Nelson Edward Spriggs194521 Hidden Harbor Road, Brunswick 31525Accepted
6422923Leila Molly Bridgett Yoder1986106 Armstrong Avenue, Brunswick 31525-8863Accepted
1108762Don W. Bolding1947104 Marsh Oak Drive, Brunswick 31525-4511Canceled
7628411Brenda Lane Stutchman1953215 Stillwater Drive, Brunswick 31525-4555Canceled
1116024Merlene R. Hall1930350 Knox Drive, Brunswick 31525-8807Canceled
5576403Christopher Lane Cherry1973166 Joann Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
11656688Laura Ann Carter1999105 Cadogan Street, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1130093John Alex Tuten19434704 U.S. Highway 17 N., Brunswick 31525-5001Canceled
5873214Constance Joan Hurst1947121 Tupelo Circle, Brunswick 31525-4615Canceled
1107275Charles Q. Carroll Jr.195360 Rude Dog Road, Brunswick 31525-4616Canceled
1131360Anne Crews Tuten19434704 U.S. Highway 17 N., Brunswick 31525-5001Canceled
7414277William Charles Kent1948109 Cay Trace, Brunswick 31525-4530Canceled
1124220Betty Jane Mohr194778 Marsh Trace, Brunswick 31525Accepted
2816653Cathy Turner Wells1962101 Turton Trace, Brunswick 31525-8382Accepted
10402157Roy Lee Polman1947629 Halsey Street, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1125945Renedell P. Nelson1929105 Thornhill Drive, Brunswick 31525Canceled
11353313Terence Edward Macauliffe1941218 Stillwater Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
3903868Ava Derry Weeks1956542 Shepard Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
5015665Richard E. Fry1944117 Sutherland Drive, Brunswick 31525-4533Accepted
10835472Angel Tamaris Hines19796202 Gracemont Lane, Brunswick 31525Canceled
10886026Sara Elizabeth Califf1998175 Old Belle Point Road, Brunswick 31525Accepted
7845152Karen H. Dezern1960661 McCain Street, Brunswick 31525-8810Canceled
4081638Michael Dwayne Beckham19778305 Kadster Lane, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1118205Mary Ruth Johnson-Gallo1939545 Shepard Drive, Brunswick 31525-8815Accepted
4642165Kelly Lynn Still1958123 Horseshoe Lane, Brunswick 31525Accepted
8412994William Francis Harvey1943104 Turton Trace, Brunswick 31525-9278Accepted
1108157Stephen W. Brooks19551131 Chapel Crossing Road, Brunswick 31524Canceled
1117479Maria L. Honaker1929234 Armstrong Avenue, Brunswick 31525-8865Accepted
818154Marshall Jerome Thorpe III1961115 Sutherland Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1119035Corbett Johns1946364 Knox Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
11243989Khalief Donell Baker1995765 Chapel Crossing Road, Brunswick 31525Accepted
7264360Mary Beth Wester1961127 Marsh Trace, Brunswick 31525-4521Accepted
8580838Patti Jane Freeman1974142 Deerfield Drive, Brunswick 31525-9296Accepted
11319846Rodney Leon Mead195799 Marsh Trace, Brunswick 31525Accepted
2395196Charles E. Walker Jr.1942110 Winton Drive, Brunswick 31525-8400Accepted
2976336Daniel Brown Benton III1941140 Tupelo Circle, Brunswick 31525-4560Canceled
1111234Patsy Gay1938250 Peek Road, Brunswick 31525-4848Accepted
4738918Steven L. Argiriou1956203 Sutherland Drive, Brunswick 31525-8910Accepted
12064382Frank Patrick Oshea1936153 Tupelo Circle, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1134271Linda T. Walker1943281 Rivers Bend Drive, Brunswick 31525-4816Canceled
6321813Vivian Rosetta De Curtis1939123 Sherwood Forest Circle, Brunswick 31525-9226Accepted
1115503Sue Ellen Green1954642 Mitscher Drive, Brunswick 31525-8811Accepted
1120921Michelle C. Little1961203 Willow Pond Way, Brunswick 31525-9205Canceled
10955406Anna Frances Evans1998125 Marsh Trace, Brunswick 31525Accepted
8745464Marissa Lynn Thomas1991131 Thornhill Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
6288815Teresia Anita Williamson197212 Bridon Court, Brunswick 31525Accepted
10313443Kathryn Amanda Marshall1994125 Sutherland Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
4593695Katie Viola Crooks1941201 Bennett Road, Brunswick 31525-4655Accepted
11968734Jeannette Ann Tamson1983113 Sutherland Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
3277051Carolyn Lerine Collins1966698 Towers Avenue, Brunswick 31525-8822Canceled
6478483Georgia Cheryll Gainey1949349 Knox Drive, Brunswick 31525-8808Accepted
1131439Michael Jerome Traeye1947119 MacKay Drive, Brunswick 31525-4505Canceled
1074502Jessie William Ragsdale1945107 Helmich Drive, Brunswick 31525-5010Accepted
5014024Barry Don Randolph1968129 Joyce Drive, Brunswick 31525-9492Accepted
7776613Janella Felice Johnson19715102 Kadster Lane, Brunswick 31525Canceled
7525724Michael S. Nova Cramer1989134 Tupelo Circle, Brunswick 31525Accepted
4033128Rachel K. Swain1972111 MacKay Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
11841826Caleb Sebastian Swain1999111 MacKay Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
228774Jennifer Flournoy1965111 Cayman Court, Brunswick 31525Canceled
1134409John Larry Simmons1949270 Smith Road, Brunswick 31525Canceled
10842429Barbara Chapman Jameson1937103 Pheasant Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
545600Walter Chris Rowland1948148 Sherwood Forest Circle, Brunswick 31525-9225Accepted
8353374Larry Mason Moss194598 Marsh Trace, Brunswick 31525-4519Accepted
1110892Winfred Amos Evans1945116 Marsh Oak Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1117209Mark Paul Johnson195194 Thornhill Drive, Brunswick 31525-9000Accepted
1125325Jay Charles Nichols Sr.1960141 Bridon Lane, Brunswick 31525Canceled
5082419Wiltz Joseph Bernard1937241 Willow Pond Way, Brunswick 31525Accepted
8879961David Sean Miller1991355 Knox Drive, Brunswick 31525-8853Accepted
10150668Jessica Michelle Rhoades1953257 Goodtown Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
4132714Frances Anne Guilfoil1952107 Winton Drive, Brunswick 31525-8453Accepted
10679551Susan Jane Buckley1948108 Deerfield Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1134388John D. Strickland1953102 MacKay Circle, Brunswick 31525-4523Accepted
6139894Robert Thomas Main198295 MacKay Circle, Brunswick 31525-4524Accepted
4711176Karen Drury Gatch1963135 Gatch Lane, Brunswick 31525-6741Accepted
1110666Cecil Gay1928250 Peek Road, Brunswick 31525-4848Accepted
1136210Ruth Woodard Young1948678 Mitscher Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1123093Sarah M. Reyna1945116 Winton Drive, Brunswick 31525-8400Canceled
1129878Janice Odom Merritt1955112 Sherwood Forest Circle, Brunswick 31525-9225Canceled
815982Jewell Skipper Thorpe1961115 Sutherland Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1134025Joyce W. Toler194178 Thornhill Drive, Brunswick 31525-9001Accepted
4509854William A. Price1951670 Mitscher Drive, Brunswick 31525-8856Accepted
1119451Joyce E. James1949138 Tupelo Circle, Brunswick 31525-4560Accepted
11353554Charles Stuart Cook1949210 Stillwater Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1123770Catherine Lowry Haase195792 Marsh Trace, Brunswick 31525-4519Accepted
5872510Corey Lumpkin1973105 Marsh Oak Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
7786427Talmadge Edward Bell1948634 Halsey Street, Brunswick 31525-8803Accepted
8364087Brian Austin Lee19934103 Enclave Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1123878Nancy S. MacKenzie1936123 Thornhill Drive, Brunswick 31525-9437Accepted
11692795Matthew James Aldridge1999157 MacKay Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
8540146Lorenzo Lopez Soler1993344 Knox Drive, Brunswick 31525-8807Accepted
4515844Gregory Martin1949312 Lochland Place, Brunswick 31525-4544Accepted
10523851Ulrich Bodo Beyer1940569 Kell Road, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1131350Nancy M. Smotzer1954110 Cayman Court, Brunswick 31525-4542Canceled
3771672Terry Lewis Taylor1961616 Price Street, Brunswick 31525Accepted
2256246Linda Todd Lindsay1944216 Glass Circle, Brunswick 31525-6903Accepted
1128868Pamela H. Shelia Phoenix1953179 Willow Pond Way, Brunswick 31525-9203Canceled
1105608Dianne Thornton Castor1950563 Kell Road, Brunswick 31525-8806Canceled
1134985Lizzie Harmon1955115 MacKqueen Drive, Brunswick 31525-4540Canceled
1107845Barbara B. Brunjes195498 Marsh Oak Drive, Brunswick 31525-4509Accepted
4506744Krista Beth Wurz197484 Thornhill Drive, Brunswick 31525Canceled
6071142Larry Jackson1952114 N. End Drive, Brunswick 31525-4600Accepted
4701363Stephanie Diane Mercer1981103 Winton Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
671706Robert Steven Pinckard1949162 Blueberry Road, Brunswick 31525Accepted
2976251Patricia J. Benton1947140 Tupelo Circle, Brunswick 31525-4560Canceled
1134251Betty G. Shell1940435 Chapel Crossing Road, Brunswick 31525-0568Accepted
1055279Joyce W. Hyers1937137 Willow Pond Way, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1118244Phyllis Ann Jackson1952695 Towers Avenue, Brunswick 31525-8823Canceled
1127853Gary M. Schlabig1945357 Knox Drive, Brunswick 31525-8840Accepted
1122813Wilton Ronnie Maulden1944302 Bushoan Road, Brunswick 31525Accepted
4114956James Alfred Davis19564808 U.S. Highway 17 N., Brunswick 31525Accepted
1135779Ann Lane Wright1930104 Thornhill Drive, Brunswick 31525-8380Accepted
4104552Elnora Wells1942164 MacKay Drive, Brunswick 31525-4504Accepted
8522920Robert Joseph Russ1945128 MacKay Drive, Brunswick 31525-4502Canceled
1118915James Steven Hinson1961115 Armstrong Avenue, Brunswick 31525Canceled
1124256Robert B. Martin1946147 MacKay Drive, Brunswick 31525-4506Canceled
4342626Hosea Horace Lee1941101 Ethridge Drive, Brunswick 31525-8831Accepted
10196863Lennis Joseph George II1995123 Tupelo Circle, Brunswick 31525Accepted
8194606Trina Lea Moses1969100 Denty Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
4971267Harry Bright Parker Jr.1980107 Turton Trace, Brunswick 31525Accepted
4030675Johnny Wavlin Clark1968107 Whipporwill Lane, Brunswick 31525-4698Accepted
7688149Jolene Lynn Wetzel1976133 Tupelo Circle, Brunswick 31525Accepted
4378254Deborah Meeler Padgett1953370 Knox Drive, Brunswick 31525-8837Accepted
6981228Marguerite A. Elhardt1942114 Marsh Trace, Brunswick 31525-4522Accepted
10549966Sarah Elizabeth Smith1985114 MacKqueen Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
11944603Sharon Lynn Rockwell1964119 Thornhill Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
10700560Zachary Mason Newman1997123 Winton Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1134761Hugh Edward Strayhorn1943280 Yacht Road, Brunswick 31525-4803Accepted
1134874Linda Chapman Strayhorn1943280 Yacht Road, Brunswick 31525-4803Accepted
1120376Leon D. Leggett1933116 Tupelo Circle, Brunswick 31525-4560Accepted
1109601Opal Jerrine Carter1937114 Helmich Drive, Brunswick 31525-5008Accepted
6494195Deborah C. Morris1954271 Old Belle Point Road, Brunswick 31525Accepted
10838588Katherine C. Thompson1955106 MacKqueen Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1124553Barbara Adams Moon1934107 Cadogan Street, Brunswick 31525-4554Canceled
1136094Glenda S. Ward1954760 Canal Road, Brunswick 31525-6707Accepted
8358659Cardon N. Taylor1937125 Helmich Drive, Brunswick 31525-5010Accepted
1111645Angel Gonzalo Espana-Lara1950448 MacKay Street, Brunswick 31525-5009Canceled
1112365Roberta Kathlee Culpepper1942102 Sutherland Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
2777340Dale Timms1963627 Halsey Street, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1109168Austeen S. Boyne1933106 Nightingale Lane, Brunswick 31525-9217Canceled
4457978Steven S. Davis1973101 Thornhill Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
3858320Ronal Lee Harmon1950180 Harmon Lane, Brunswick 31525-5019Accepted
8751910Mary Elizabeth Jean-Baptiste1992177 Willow Pond Way, Brunswick 31525Accepted
2816654Charles W. Wells1956101 Turton Trace, Brunswick 31525-8382Accepted
10462292Theresa Morgan V1944110 Marsh Oak Drive, Brunswick 31525Canceled
12184095Jelene Gayle Gouty195586 Marsh Trace, Brunswick 31525Canceled
1131698Judith Adams Shadron1944127 Tupelo Circle, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1134520Harold Maurice Shadron1935127 Tupelo Circle, Brunswick 31525Accepted
12020512Michele Maley Little1953126 Rainwood Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1126354Gayle H. Oakes1945114 Deerfield Drive, Brunswick 31525-9296Canceled
4204401Ronald W. Cloutier1940234 Armstrong Avenue, Brunswick 31525-8865Accepted
1108913Billy R. Brooks1956635 Chapel Crossing Road, Brunswick 31525-0527Canceled
4967518Larry D. Foreman1950765 Chapel Crossing Road, Brunswick 31525-0508Accepted
11531502Willie James Dennard Jr.19654559 U.S. Highway 17 N., Brunswick 31525Accepted
5003003Patricia Anne Golden1963107 MacKqueen Drive, Brunswick 31525-4540Accepted
6360269Robin Sikes Jackson1963114 N. End Drive, Brunswick 31525-4600Accepted
4479452George Durwin Bolinger1955126 MacKay Drive, Brunswick 31525-4502Accepted
7845135Alvin George Dezern Jr.1956661 McCain Street, Brunswick 31525-8810Canceled
2218491James Robert Sellers1976238 N. Goodbread Road, Brunswick 31525Accepted
5441464Joseph Ernest Kost1933105 N. End Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
11601267Jeremy Edward Thomas1993633 Halsey Street, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1126405Kathleen Ann Oshea1964142 Tupelo Circle, Brunswick 31525-4560Accepted
1122779Robert Leo Medders1942106 Tupelo Circle, Brunswick 31525Accepted
8135876Albert Guerra1967103 N. End Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
8525167James Seaborn McRae Jr.1964136 Tupelo Circle, Brunswick 31525-4560Accepted
1110009Karen Lorraine Beaver1950741 Chapel Crossing Road, Brunswick 31525-0508Canceled
1119068Dorothy D. Harrison1956102 Marsh Oak Lane, Brunswick 31525Accepted
6537961Ryan Michael Linch1985103 Forrestal Lane, Brunswick 31525-8839Accepted
5613001Myrtice Moody Roberson1944371 Knox Drive, Brunswick 31525-8840Canceled
5911361Crispiniano Casiano195291 MacKay Drive, Brunswick 31525-4501Accepted
1113513Herman Dennis Folsom1941219 Armstrong Avenue, Brunswick 31525-8866Accepted
1112358Sylvia Burnham Cook1939156 MacKay Drive, Brunswick 31525-4503Accepted
2591483Michael Alan Vanbrunt1948128 Sutherland Drive, Brunswick 31525Canceled
4547413Margie M. Brown1933108 Sherwood Forest Circle, Brunswick 31525-9225Accepted
4539490Robert L. Brown1930108 Sherwood Forest Circle, Brunswick 31525-9225Accepted
3760590Robert Lee Hawkins Jr.19523107 Enclave Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
10842702John Eino Heronen194471 Marsh Oak Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
8918476Leslie Simone Collins1966316 Fawn Circle, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1123723Linda C. Lockhart1947574 Kell Road, Brunswick 31525-8805Accepted
1126716Floyd E. Phoenix1953179 Willow Pond Way, Brunswick 31525-9203Canceled
4379554Pamela Pate Hammer19544344 U.S. Highway 17 N., Brunswick 31525-4824Accepted
4066357Patsy Jane Randolph1950129 Joyce Drive, Brunswick 31525-9492Accepted
1122032Cecil Samuel Little1928203 Willow Pond Way, Brunswick 31525-9205Canceled
1110908Polly Bullard Cox1942102 Cadogan Street, Brunswick 31525-4553Canceled
3882684Eugenia Alexandera Clark1969107 Whipporwill Lane, Brunswick 31525Accepted
5788320Sybil J. Repko1955135 Tupelo Circle, Brunswick 31525-4614Canceled
5441463Carolyn Kost1936105 N. End Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1126383Gaynelle S. McKenzie1967177 Willow Pond Way, Brunswick 31525-9203Canceled
5105780Meghan Henry Davis1979101 Thornhill Drive, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1106448Michael Jerry Atkins1954147 Tupelo Circle, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1056323Robert Scott Hickox1960144 Sherwood Forest Circle, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1127238William Robert Pittman1943129 Tupelo Circle, Brunswick 31525-4614Accepted
6133434Inez C. Williams1945101 Ethridge Drive, Brunswick 31525-8831Accepted
8205170Marie Madeline Glaude1935126 Helmich Drive, Brunswick 31525-5008Accepted
5586789Tracy Lee McConnell1971290 Osprey Place, Brunswick 31525Accepted
1111902Michael J. Force1949103 Cooper Circle, Brunswick 31525Accepted



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